Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We're blowing this Popsicle stand in less than 72 hours. Most of the large furniture is in storage. The worst part  cleaning is in the works for tomorrow. I'm a semi-happy camper. 

We're at the stage when things pop up. The extra books in the closet, when the "books" boxes are already taped and stored a mile away in a 10 x 12 unit. An extra hanger here, a wedding card there, a bank statement over there. GRRRR. I'm almost certain I've learned my lesson on not throwing things away and putting things in their place. The next 6 months will be used to discipline myself to be a neater person. 

I will say that Dave Ramsey would be pleased with our decision to move into a smaller, less expensive place. He'd probably scream at us if he knew we were only moving so we could continue our home search. He'd lecture us on how we should pay off ALL debt and stack bread. We may do just that if we save enough money. We're even thinking of living on one paycheck and banking the other for a few months (just to see if we can do it). I'm sure we'll break though.

In other news, the Goos is officially "Coach G!" He's teaching English and coaching basketball at a school in a neighboring county. So proud of him!

There is newness in the air. Much needed change.

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